Marketing Manager Salaries in Owings Mills, MD

Updated Feb 10, 2024
Base Pay Range
US$65K - US$110K/yr
Average Base Pay

3,069 salaries

Additional Cash Compensation
AverageUS$20,859RangeUS$15,644 - US$29,203
The average salary for Marketing Manager is US$105,656 per year in the Owings Mills, MD. The average additional cash compensation for a Marketing Manager in the Owings Mills, MD is US$20,859, with a range from US$15,644 - US$29,203. Salaries estimates are based on 3069 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Marketing Manager employees in Owings Mills, MD.
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What is the salary trajectory for a Marketing Manager?

in Owings Mills, MD

US$105,656 /yr
Marketing Manager
US$116,514 /yr
Marketing Manager Manager
US$168,895 /yr
Senior Manager of Marketing
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Marketing Manager?

Job titleSalary
Marketing ManagerUS$105,656 /yr
Marketing Manager ManagerUS$116,514 /yr
Senior Manager of MarketingUS$168,895 /yr

What are some related job titles for a Marketing Manager?

Marketing Communications Manager


per year

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Marketing Coordinator


per year

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Product Marketing Manager


per year

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Senior Marketing Manager


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs
What is the salary trajectory for a Marketing Manager?

in Owings Mills, MD

US$105,656 /yr
Marketing Manager
US$116,514 /yr
Marketing Manager Manager
US$168,895 /yr
Senior Manager of Marketing
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Marketing Manager?

Job titleSalary
Marketing ManagerUS$105,656 /yr
Marketing Manager ManagerUS$116,514 /yr
Senior Manager of MarketingUS$168,895 /yr

Salaries in Owings Mills, MD



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Summit Retail Solutions

Summit Retail Solutions

Market Manager


Range: US$59K - US$100K
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US$58,871 - US$100,005 Range

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Marketing Manager in Owings Mills, MD Salaries

Job titleLocationSalary
Market Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedOwings Mills, MD/yr
Viewing 1 - 1 of 1

Frequently asked questions about a Marketing Manager salaries

The average salary for a Marketing Manager is US$105,656 per year in Owings Mills, MD. Salaries estimates are based on 3069 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Marketing Manager employees in Owings Mills, MD.

The highest salary for a Marketing Manager in Owings Mills, MD is US$139,277 per year.

The lowest salary for a Marketing Manager in Owings Mills, MD is US$80,969 per year.

Most marketing managers work full time and receive salaries into the six-figure range. This high pay reflects the extensive work experience and background knowledge expected of candidates. Most applicants will have worked in advertising, promoting, marketing or sales before moving into a marketing manager role. While a bachelor's degree is required, marketing managers who hold a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree may receive higher pay. Additionally, marketing managers with a record of leading successful marketing campaigns will often receive higher pay reflecting demand for their expertise.

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Anonymous ratings on Glassdoor reveal that about 82% of respondents feel satisfied with their salary as a marketing manager. Building up several years of experience in the field tends to be one of the most important factors.

Total pay for marketing managers, which can include benefits in addition to salary, ranges from $63,761.58 to $177,352.70. If you follow the typical career path of a marketing manager and accumulate several years of experience, you can expect an average total pay of about $105,656.07. Then, you can try moving along to more senior roles, such as marketing director.

Ready to boost your earnings potential during your marketing manager career? Education is always helpful. Many marketing managers have bachelor's degrees in fields such as marketing or business -- but there's always more to learn. Make sure you're fluent in relevant software and online tools, such as Salesforce, Hubspot, and Marketo.

If you're interested in taking your education even further, you might pursue a master's degree in business administration to stand out amongst other marketing managers and increase your chances of moving up to more senior, higher-paying roles.

Of course, accumulating years of experience can also lead to increased pay — building up an impressive resume will only help your cause.

Whether you're hoping to get a raise in your current marketing manager salary or starting a new marketing manager job, it's helpful to take stock of your skills and experience before going into any salary negotiations. Brainstorm examples of how you've used important skills like reporting and data analysis, market research, problem solving, and collaborating with other teams to bring important marketing concepts to life. Be as concrete as possible to clearly illustrate your value.

It's also useful to research what other marketing managers are earning in your area, so that you have a baseline to reference when deciding on a salary that feels fair to you.

About 81.62% of Marketing Manager professionals feel satisfied with their salary, according to anonymous Glassdoor ratings. An additional $20,859 in potential pay per year, among other factors, can qualify the annual pay of a Marketing Manager in Owings Mills, MD as a good salary.

Marketing Manager professionals in Owings Mills, MD have a wide total pay range, between $63,762 and $177,353 depending on experience, with an estimated total pay of $105,656 following the average career path of a Marketing Manager.



marketing manager


Owings Mills