Process Engineer Salaries in Calgary, AB

Updated Apr 6, 2024
Base Pay Range
$76K - $113K/yr
Average Base Pay

96 salaries

Additional Cash Compensation
Average$11,781Range$5,377 - $25,816
The average salary for Process Engineer is $104,262 per year in the Calgary, AB. The average additional cash compensation for a Process Engineer in the Calgary, AB is $11,781, with a range from $5,377 - $25,816. Salaries estimates are based on 96 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Process Engineer employees in Calgary, AB.
How accurate is an average base pay range of $76K-$113K/yr?
Your input helps Glassdoor refine our pay estimates over time.
What is the salary trajectory for a Process Engineer?

in Calgary, AB

$104,262 /yr
Process Engineer
$91,287 /yr
New Grad Process Engineer
$107,438 /yr
Process Engineer Manager
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Process Engineer?

Job titleSalary
Process Engineer$104,262 /yr
New Grad Process Engineer$91,287 /yr
Process Engineer Manager$107,438 /yr

What are some related job titles for a Process Engineer?

Chemical Process Engineer


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Entry Level Chemical Engineer


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Manufacturing Process Engineer


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Quality Engineer


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs
What is the salary trajectory for a Process Engineer?

in Calgary, AB

$104,262 /yr
Process Engineer
$91,287 /yr
New Grad Process Engineer
$107,438 /yr
Process Engineer Manager
See Full Career Path

View as data table

What is the salary trajectory for a Process Engineer?

Job titleSalary
Process Engineer$104,262 /yr
New Grad Process Engineer$91,287 /yr
Process Engineer Manager$107,438 /yr

Salaries in Calgary, AB



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Average Base Salary in (CAD)




Process Engineer


Range: $65K - $140K
37 salaries
See 288 salaries from all locations



$65,000 - $140,000 Range



Process Engineer


Range: $64K - $225K
22 salaries
See 288 salaries from all locations



$64,000 - $224,700 Range

Canadian Natural

Canadian Natural

Process Engineer


Range: $70K - $157K
21 salaries
See 288 salaries from all locations



$70,000 - $157,000 Range



Process Engineer


Range: $65K - $150K
20 salaries
See 288 salaries from all locations



$65,000 - $150,000 Range

Imperial Oil

Imperial Oil

Process Engineer


Range: $90K - $113K
16 salaries
See 288 salaries from all locations



$90,000 - $113,000 Range



Process Engineer


Range: $100K - $180K
15 salaries
See 288 salaries from all locations



$100,000 - $180,000 Range



Process Engineer


Range: $94K - $119K
14 salaries
See 288 salaries from all locations



$94,000 - $118,945 Range

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NOVA Chemicals

NOVA Chemicals

Process Engineer


Range: $66K - $130K
11 salaries
See 288 salaries from all locations



$66,000 - $130,000 Range



Process Engineer


Range: $90K - $150K
10 salaries
See 288 salaries from all locations



$90,000 - $150,000 Range

Bantrel Co

Bantrel Co

Process Engineer


Range: $75K - $125K
9 salaries
See 288 salaries from all locations



$75,000 - $125,000 Range



Process Engineer


Range: $67K - $112K
6 salaries
See 288 salaries from all locations



$67,000 - $112,000 Range



Process Engineer


Range: $70K - $120K
6 salaries
See 288 salaries from all locations



$70,000 - $120,000 Range

Gas Liquids Engineering

Gas Liquids Engineering

Process Engineer


Range: $72K - $96K
6 salaries
See 288 salaries from all locations



$72,000 - $96,000 Range



Process Engineer


Range: $69K - $97K
5 salaries
See 288 salaries from all locations



$69,000 - $97,000 Range

Propak Systems

Propak Systems

Process Engineer


Range: $83K - $115K
5 salaries
See 288 salaries from all locations



$82,750 - $115,000 Range

Equinox Engineering

Equinox Engineering

Process Engineer


Range: $69K - $150K
5 salaries
See 288 salaries from all locations



$69,300 - $150,000 Range



Process Engineer - Monthly


Range: $4K - $7K
4 salaries
See 288 salaries from all locations



$3,500 - $6,500 Range



Process Engineer


Range: $80K - $141K
4 salaries
See 288 salaries from all locations



$79,800 - $140,516 Range

Amec Foster Wheeler

Amec Foster Wheeler

Process Engineer - Hourly


Range: $38 - $55
4 salaries
See 288 salaries from all locations



$38 - $55 Range

Vista Projects

Vista Projects

Process Engineer - Hourly


Range: $31 - $90
4 salaries
See 288 salaries from all locations



$31 - $90 Range

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Process Engineer in Calgary, AB Salaries

Job titleLocationSalary
Process Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCalgary, AB/yr
Process Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCalgary, AB/yr
Process Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCalgary, AB/yr
Process Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCalgary, AB/yr
Process Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCalgary, AB/yr
Process Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCalgary, AB/yr
Process Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCalgary, AB/yr
Process Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCalgary, AB/yr
Process Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCalgary, AB/yr
Process Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCalgary, AB/yr
Process Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCalgary, AB/yr
Process Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCalgary, AB/yr
Process Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCalgary, AB/yr
Process Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCalgary, AB/yr
Process Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCalgary, AB/yr
Process Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCalgary, AB/yr
Process Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCalgary, AB/mo
Process Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCalgary, AB/yr
Process Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCalgary, AB/hr
Process Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCalgary, AB/hr
Viewing 1 - 10 of 25

Frequently asked questions about a Process Engineer salaries

The average salary for a Process Engineer is $104,262 per year in Calgary, AB. Salaries estimates are based on 96 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Process Engineer employees in Calgary, AB.

The highest salary for a Process Engineer in Calgary, AB is $138,794 per year.

The lowest salary for a Process Engineer in Calgary, AB is $81,079 per year.

Salaries for process engineers reflect their high level of education, skill, and demand. The average Canadian salary for a process engineer sits at six figures and is much higher in Alberta, where the gas and oil sector is strong. Process engineers can increase their salary by obtaining a master’s degree in engineering or a related discipline. Wages across the different sectors, like agriculture, biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and mineral processing, don’t substantially differ. The three-year and ten-year forecasts show very good job potential in Alberta and Quebec, keeping demand and wages high.

Are you responsible for providing the biochemical or chemical equipment and processes that extract materials from raw states and transform them into a saleable or beneficial end product? As a process engineer in Canada, you can earn more money in your career by obtaining a bachelor’s degree in manufacturing, chemical, or industrial engineering. If you’re looking to advance to a more senior position and earn top dollar, you should obtain your master’s degree or a doctorate in a related engineering field. You can also increase your earnings by approving engineering reports and drawings, but this requires licensing (P.Eng.) by your territorial or provincial association of professional engineers. The more qualifications you have, the more highly skilled and dedicated you are to your field, which is a plus for scoring a higher salary.

Do you reduce the time to market by enhancing the entire development process? Do you identify areas for improvement in cost, yield, and product quality? Do you take the initiative to provide technical support for capital improvement projects? If you answered yes, it’s time to negotiate your salary in your process engineer job. Start by comparing the wages for other process engineer jobs for those with comparable education, experience, and qualifications. Then crunch the numbers to see what a fair increase looks like. Typically you should ask for up to 20% more of your current salary. Back up your reasoning for the raise by showing your value to the company through statistics on all the savings you’ve generated, any awards you’ve won, certifications you’ve obtained, or letters of recommendation from previous employers.

About 71.54% of Process Engineer professionals feel satisfied with their salary, according to anonymous Glassdoor ratings. An additional $11,781 in potential pay per year, among other factors, can qualify the annual pay of a Process Engineer in Calgary, AB as a good salary.

Process Engineer professionals in Calgary, AB have a wide total pay range, between $65,886 and $187,532 depending on experience, with an estimated total pay of $104,262 following the average career path of a Process Engineer.



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