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What do staff want and what would make them happy? This is a serious question. I have been in public for 25 years. I swear I feel like a mom and therapist as much as a professional. I truly care about my staff. Treat then well, fight for them, invest in their futures. But the last few years it seems like nothing is enough. I am seriously considering early retirement because it is so emotionally draining on me. So many younger staff in here and all I see is complaints. Am I alone?



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QC Laboratories Salary FAQs

The average salary for a Civil Engineer (Geotechnical) is $81,261 per year (estimate) in Canada, which is Infinity% higher than the average QC Laboratories salary of US$0 per year (estimate) for this job.

The salary trajectory of a Civil Engineer (Geotechnical) ranges between locations and employers. The salary starts at US$62,433 per year (estimate) and goes up to US$101,456 per year (estimate) for the highest level of seniority.

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