Account Executive Salaries in Taunton, England

Updated Apr 17, 2024
Base Pay Range
£21K - £36K/yr
Average Base Pay

37 salaries

No additional cash compensation has been reported for this role

How much does a Accounts executive make in Taunton, England? The average salary for a Accounts executive is £27,398 in Taunton, England. Salaries estimates are based on 37 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Accounts executive employees in Taunton, England.

How accurate is an average base pay range of £21K-£36K/yr?
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What is the salary trajectory for a Account Executive?

in Taunton, England

£27,398 /yr
Account Executive
£27,398 /yr
Executive Account Executive
£39,893 /yr
Associate Director of Accounts
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Account Executive?

Job titleSalary
Account Executive£27,398 /yr
Executive Account Executive£27,398 /yr
Associate Director of Accounts£39,893 /yr

What are some related job titles for a Accounts Executive?

Account Executive


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Accounts Assistant


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Accounts & Finance


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Finance Executive


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs
What is the salary trajectory for a Account Executive?

in Taunton, England

£27,398 /yr
Account Executive
£27,398 /yr
Executive Account Executive
£39,893 /yr
Associate Director of Accounts
See Full Career Path

View as data table

What is the salary trajectory for a Account Executive?

Job titleSalary
Account Executive£27,398 /yr
Executive Account Executive£27,398 /yr
Associate Director of Accounts£39,893 /yr

Salaries in Taunton, England



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Average Base Salary in (GBP)




Account Executive


Range: £21K - £10M
298 salaries
See 10,154 salaries from all locations



£21,265 - £9,685,701 Range



Account Executive


Range: £32K - £1M
230 salaries
See 10,154 salaries from all locations



£31,573 - £1,343,777 Range



Account Executive


Range: £23K - £50K
150 salaries
See 10,154 salaries from all locations



£23,018 - £50,000 Range



Account Executive


Range: £30K - £904K
143 salaries
See 10,154 salaries from all locations



£29,793 - £904,000 Range



Account Executive


Range: £18K - £40K
140 salaries
See 10,154 salaries from all locations



£18,000 - £40,000 Range



Account Executive


Range: £18K - £182K
135 salaries
See 10,154 salaries from all locations



£18,000 - £182,136 Range



Account Executive


Range: £24K - £779K
99 salaries
See 10,154 salaries from all locations



£24,000 - £778,813 Range

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Account Executive


Range: £38K - £110K
70 salaries
See 10,154 salaries from all locations



£38,000 - £110,000 Range



Account Executive


Range: £18K - £32K
66 salaries
See 10,154 salaries from all locations



£18,000 - £32,000 Range

Havas Media

Havas Media

Account Executive


Range: £20K - £42K
55 salaries
See 10,154 salaries from all locations



£20,000 - £42,000 Range



Account Executive


Range: £38K - £140K
55 salaries
See 10,154 salaries from all locations



£38,000 - £140,000 Range

Portland Communications

Portland Communications

Account Executive


Range: £22K - £42K
54 salaries
See 10,154 salaries from all locations



£22,000 - £42,000 Range



Account Executive


Range: £32K - £120K
53 salaries
See 10,154 salaries from all locations



£32,000 - £120,000 Range

Four Agency

Four Agency

Account Executive


Range: £20K - £28K
53 salaries
See 10,154 salaries from all locations



£20,000 - £28,415 Range

Dell Technologies

Dell Technologies

Account Executive


Range: £42K - £641K
52 salaries
See 10,154 salaries from all locations



£42,034 - £641,000 Range

Fisher Investments

Fisher Investments

Account Executive


Range: £20K - £66K
52 salaries
See 10,154 salaries from all locations



£20,000 - £66,000 Range



Account Executive


Range: £21K - £29K
50 salaries
See 10,154 salaries from all locations



£20,500 - £29,000 Range

Hill & Knowlton

Hill & Knowlton

Account Executive


Range: £20K - £34K
49 salaries
See 10,154 salaries from all locations



£20,000 - £33,528 Range



Account Executive


Range: £25K - £65K
48 salaries
See 10,154 salaries from all locations



£25,000 - £65,000 Range



Account Executive


Range: £22K - £29K
46 salaries
See 10,154 salaries from all locations



£21,500 - £28,738 Range

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Accounts Executive in Taunton, England Salaries

Job titleLocationSalary
Account Executive salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedTaunton, England/yr
Account Executive salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedTaunton, England/yr
Account Executive salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedTaunton, England/yr
Account Executive salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedTaunton, England/yr
Account Executive salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedTaunton, England/yr
Account Executive salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedTaunton, England/yr
Account Executive salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedTaunton, England/yr
Account Executive salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedTaunton, England/yr
Account Executive salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedTaunton, England/yr
Account Executive salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedTaunton, England/yr
Account Executive salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedTaunton, England/yr
Account Executive salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedTaunton, England/yr
Account Executive salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedTaunton, England/yr
Account Executive salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedTaunton, England/yr
Account Executive salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedTaunton, England/yr
Account Executive salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedTaunton, England/yr
Account Executive salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedTaunton, England/yr
Account Executive salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedTaunton, England/yr
Account Executive salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedTaunton, England/yr
Account Executive salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedTaunton, England/yr
Viewing 1 - 10 of 708

Frequently asked questions about an Account Executive salaries

The average salary for an Account Executive is £27,398 per year in Taunton, England. Salaries estimates are based on 37 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by an Account Executive employees in Taunton, England.

The highest salary for an Account Executive in Taunton, England is £36,354 per year.

The lowest salary for an Account Executive in Taunton, England is £20,648 per year.

Account executives earn pay similar to other business professionals like marketing executive, advertising media buyer, or advertising art director. As many account executives work in the advertising industry, they often are paid additionally on commission, In addition to their base salary. Account executives are typically well positioned to move into more highly-compensated roles like director or setting up their own agency. Jobs based in London, Newcastle upon Tyne, Burton-on-Trent, Leicester, and Manchester currently pay the highest salaries.

You don't need specific qualifications to become an account executive. However, if you have a degree in IT, you will likely be able to apply for higher level roles. Experience is gold, and the more knowledge you have working in sales, business development, customer pipeline, managing corporate accounts, and knowledge of managing a sales cycle, the better leverage you’ll have to access higher pay based on your skills and level of expertise.

If you don’t have experience on your side, don’t worry! You can still springboard yourself to better paying positions by investing in training and development, attending industry events, and networking with others to gain more insight into career opportunities. Knowledge will be a powerful tool to requesting more pay in your current position too.

By looking at compensation details for similar roles, you can understand what the market is currently paying for account executive careers and where you fit in. You can use the Glassdoor database of account executive pay to view salaries and you can also look at current account executive roles to see what competitors are paying.

If you are taking on more responsibility or have learnt new skills or gained new qualifications, it's a good time to ask your manager to review your pay, or if you're moving companies be clear on your CV about your relevant experience.

Asking for a pay rise or a pay review can be uncomfortable but if you have data to show a recruiter or manager you could approach them by saying something like:

- "Based on my research of account executive salaries at other companies and with my recent qualification, I think my pay needs to be reviewed.”

About 84.00% of Account Executive professionals feel satisfied with their salary, according to anonymous Glassdoor ratings. An additional £0 in potential pay per year, among other factors, can qualify the annual pay of an Account Executive in Taunton, England as a good salary.

Account Executive professionals in Taunton, England have a wide total pay range, between £16,011 and £46,883 depending on experience, with an estimated total pay of £27,398 following the average career path of an Account Executive.



accounts executive

