System Analyst Salaries in Suffolk, VA

Updated Feb 10, 2024
Base Pay Range
US$72K - US$112K/yr
Average Base Pay

13,948 salaries

Additional Cash Compensation
AverageUS$16,127RangeUS$12,095 - US$22,578
The average salary for System Analyst is US$105,671 per year in the Suffolk, VA. The average additional cash compensation for a System Analyst in the Suffolk, VA is US$16,127, with a range from US$12,095 - US$22,578. Salaries estimates are based on 13948 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by System Analyst employees in Suffolk, VA.
How accurate is an average base pay range of US$72K-US$112K/yr?
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What is the salary trajectory for a Systems Analyst?

in Suffolk, VA

US$105,671 /yr
Systems Analyst
US$117,049 /yr
Systems Analyst Manager
US$137,727 /yr
Systems Analyst IV
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Systems Analyst?

Job titleSalary
Systems AnalystUS$105,671 /yr
Systems Analyst ManagerUS$117,049 /yr
Systems Analyst IVUS$137,727 /yr

What are some related job titles for a Systems Analyst?

Business Analyst


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What is the salary trajectory for a Systems Analyst?

in Suffolk, VA

US$105,671 /yr
Systems Analyst
US$117,049 /yr
Systems Analyst Manager
US$137,727 /yr
Systems Analyst IV
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Systems Analyst?

Job titleSalary
Systems AnalystUS$105,671 /yr
Systems Analyst ManagerUS$117,049 /yr
Systems Analyst IVUS$137,727 /yr

Salaries in Suffolk, VA



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Average Base Salary in (USD)


XP Networking

XP Networking

Systems Analyst - Hourly


Range: US$39 - US$52
1 salaries
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US$39 - US$52 Range

City of Suffolk Virginia

City of Suffolk Virginia

Systems Analyst


Range: US$64K - US$95K
1 salaries
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US$64,198 - US$95,036 Range

Booz Allen Hamilton

Booz Allen Hamilton

Systems Analyst


Range: US$104K - US$146K
1 salaries
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US$104,265 - US$146,191 Range

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Systems Analyst in Suffolk, VA Salaries

Job titleLocationSalary
Systems Analyst salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedSuffolk, VA/hr
Systems Analyst salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedSuffolk, VA/yr
Systems Analyst salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedSuffolk, VA/yr
Viewing 1 - 1 of 1

Frequently asked questions about a System Analyst salaries

The average salary for a System Analyst is US$105,671 per year in Suffolk, VA. Salaries estimates are based on 13948 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a System Analyst employees in Suffolk, VA.

The highest salary for a System Analyst in Suffolk, VA is US$134,129 per year.

The lowest salary for a System Analyst in Suffolk, VA is US$83,974 per year.

Current systems analyst salary satisfaction is at 68% according to anonymous reports on Glassdoor. The annual pay for a systems analyst may be able to qualify as good when considering the potential to earn $10,387.90 in extra compensation.

A systems analyst's average salary is $82,980.62 and will change depending on your systems analyst career path standing. An entry-level role could start at $57,727.27 while a more experienced employee may earn $152,191.27. If you've proven yourself in the field, you could be making an average of $93,368.52, which includes additional pay stemming from team or company-based performance bonuses.

The career of a systems analyst will have opportunities to earn more pay through new positions or promotions. Focus on ways to increase your value in the market to expedite this advancement with your company or one that offers higher starting pay. Earning your Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or a similar field is a great foundation to start your career with a strong salary. As you look to move up, seeking opportunities to earn your advanced degree or certifications are good points of leverage that show your knowledge and investment in your career. Concentrating on mastering in-demand skills will give you an advantage when seeking a higher salary.

In order to reach the highest level of systems analyst pay, you need to be prepared to negotiate your salary every chance you get. Even entry-level systems analyst jobs can provide you with higher starting pay given the right negotiation tactics. Always start by surveying current listings for systems analyst jobs that need an employee with your skill set, then see what they're offering. If it's more than what you make, use it as an example during salary discussions. Refer to it as your "research" to exemplify that you've done the legwork to discover your "market value," another effective term to use.

About 67.78% of System Analyst professionals feel satisfied with their salary, according to anonymous Glassdoor ratings. An additional $10,388 in potential pay per year, among other factors, can qualify the annual pay of a System Analyst in Suffolk, VA as a good salary.

System Analyst professionals in Suffolk, VA have a wide total pay range, between $57,727 and $152,191 depending on experience, with an estimated total pay of $93,369 following the average career path of a System Analyst.



systems analyst

