Web Developer Salaries in Rolling Meadows, IL

Updated Feb 10, 2024
Base Pay Range
US$67K - US$111K/yr
Average Base Pay

22,389 salaries

Additional Cash Compensation
AverageUS$10,417RangeUS$7,813 - US$14,584
The average salary for Web Developer is US$96,477 per year in the Rolling Meadows, IL. The average additional cash compensation for a Web Developer in the Rolling Meadows, IL is US$10,417, with a range from US$7,813 - US$14,584. Salaries estimates are based on 22389 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Web Developer employees in Rolling Meadows, IL.
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What is the salary trajectory for a Web Developer?

in Rolling Meadows, IL

US$96,477 /yr
Web Developer
US$126,178 /yr
Assistant Director of Web Development
US$65,007 /yr
Web Developer I
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Web Developer?

Job titleSalary
Web DeveloperUS$96,477 /yr
Assistant Director of Web DevelopmentUS$126,178 /yr
Web Developer IUS$65,007 /yr

What are some related job titles for a Web Developer?

Web Developer Entry Level


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Junior Web Developer


per year

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.NET Developer


per year

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Senior Web Developer


per year

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What is the salary trajectory for a Web Developer?

in Rolling Meadows, IL

US$96,477 /yr
Web Developer
US$126,178 /yr
Assistant Director of Web Development
US$65,007 /yr
Web Developer I
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Web Developer?

Job titleSalary
Web DeveloperUS$96,477 /yr
Assistant Director of Web DevelopmentUS$126,178 /yr
Web Developer IUS$65,007 /yr

Salaries in Rolling Meadows, IL



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Divine Design & Marketing

Web Developer - Hourly


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US$33 - US$47 Range



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Range: US$80K - US$126K
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US$62,092 - US$96,788 Range

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Web Developer in Rolling Meadows, IL Salaries

Job titleLocationSalary
Web Developer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedRolling Meadows, IL/hr
Web Developer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedRolling Meadows, IL/yr
Web Developer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedRolling Meadows, IL/yr
Viewing 1 - 1 of 1

Frequently asked questions about a Web Developer salaries

The average salary for a Web Developer is US$96,477 per year in Rolling Meadows, IL. Salaries estimates are based on 22389 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Web Developer employees in Rolling Meadows, IL.

The highest salary for a Web Developer in Rolling Meadows, IL is US$125,750 per year.

The lowest salary for a Web Developer in Rolling Meadows, IL is US$74,436 per year.

Web developers earn similar compensation to computer programmers and slightly higher than animators, graphic designers, and special effects artists. Some web developers are self-employed freelancers while others work as salaried employees across all industries. Web developers who work for the publishing firms generally have the highest salaries. Freelancers’ pay varies by the number of contracts they secure and the rates they charge.

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Anonymous Glassdoor ratings reveal that 72% of web developers believe that their salary is a good one. Getting a bachelor's degree, keeping on top of new developments and technologies, and an additional pay of $10,417.47 can help a web developer's salary qualify as optimal.

The amount a web developer makes over time varies depending on experience and what type of company you work for. However, following a typical web developer career path, you can expect to make between $58,966.28 and $159,004.37, with an estimated average total pay of around $96,476.91. If you have significant experience, you can apply for senior jobs to improve your salary.

Do you want to make more money as a web developer? You can earn more with an associate's degree or bachelor's degree in computer science. Alternatively, you may want to participate in a web development boot camp to quickly boost your skills or take a management or leadership course. You should also keep learning new technologies and skills, such as .NET framework, JavaScript, Web API, and ASP.NET. Make sure that you keep up with the newest versions of programming languages, and ensure that you're proficient with tools like the jQuery Library of Functions and version control systems such as GitHub. Create a portfolio to show off your skills to employers.

Do you want a higher salary from your next web developer job or feel that you deserve a raise in your current position? In that case, it's important to learn how to negotiate a salary. If you're applying for jobs, figure out a fair salary based on what others in the field earn, and negotiate a figure equivalent of up to 10% higher. When you're looking for a raise, make a list of everything you've brought to the job, what others with your level of experience make, and the skills you've developed. If you're unsure, try asking for a 10 to 20% raise so you can compromise on lower.

About 71.67% of Web Developer professionals feel satisfied with their salary, according to anonymous Glassdoor ratings. An additional $10,417 in potential pay per year, among other factors, can qualify the annual pay of a Web Developer in Rolling Meadows, IL as a good salary.

Web Developer professionals in Rolling Meadows, IL have a wide total pay range, between $58,966 and $159,004 depending on experience, with an estimated total pay of $96,477 following the average career path of a Web Developer.



web developer


Rolling Meadows