Marketing Coordinator Salaries in Lubbock, TX

Updated Feb 10, 2024
Base Pay Range
US$39K - US$56K/yr
Average Base Pay

31,276 salaries

Additional Cash Compensation
AverageUS$6,116RangeUS$4,587 - US$8,563
The average salary for Marketing Coordinator is US$52,580 per year in the Lubbock, TX. The average additional cash compensation for a Marketing Coordinator in the Lubbock, TX is US$6,116, with a range from US$4,587 - US$8,563. Salaries estimates are based on 31276 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Marketing Coordinator employees in Lubbock, TX.
How accurate is an average base pay range of US$39K-US$56K/yr?
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What is the salary trajectory for a Marketing Coordinator?

in Lubbock, TX

US$52,580 /yr
Marketing Coordinator
US$50,978 /yr
Marketing Coordinator I
US$67,438 /yr
Senior Marketing Coordinator
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Marketing Coordinator?

Job titleSalary
Marketing CoordinatorUS$52,580 /yr
Marketing Coordinator IUS$50,978 /yr
Senior Marketing CoordinatorUS$67,438 /yr

What are some related job titles for a Marketing Coordinator?

Marketing Director


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Marketing Manager


per year

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What is the salary trajectory for a Marketing Coordinator?

in Lubbock, TX

US$52,580 /yr
Marketing Coordinator
US$50,978 /yr
Marketing Coordinator I
US$67,438 /yr
Senior Marketing Coordinator
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Marketing Coordinator?

Job titleSalary
Marketing CoordinatorUS$52,580 /yr
Marketing Coordinator IUS$50,978 /yr
Senior Marketing CoordinatorUS$67,438 /yr

Salaries in Lubbock, TX



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Average Base Salary in (USD)


Parkhill Smith & Cooper

Parkhill Smith & Cooper

Marketing Coordinator - Hourly


Range: US$25 - US$35
4 salaries
See 12 salaries from all locations



US$25 - US$35 Range

US Foods

US Foods

Marketing Coordinator - Hourly


Range: US$22 - US$31
2 salaries
See 12 salaries from all locations



US$22 - US$31 Range

Big Brothers Big Sisters of America

Big Brothers Big Sisters of America

Marketing Coordinator - Hourly


Range: US$18 - US$25
2 salaries
See 12 salaries from all locations



US$18 - US$25 Range

4ORE Golf

4ORE Golf

Marketing Coordinator - Monthly


Range: US$3K - US$5K
1 salaries
See 12 salaries from all locations



US$3,427 - US$5,097 Range

State Farm

State Farm

Marketing Coordinator - Hourly


Range: US$19 - US$30
1 salaries
See 12 salaries from all locations



US$19 - US$30 Range

Vector Marketing

Vector Marketing

Marketing Coordinator - Hourly


Range: US$17 - US$24
1 salaries
See 12 salaries from all locations



US$17 - US$24 Range

Ashley Furniture Homestore

Ashley Furniture Homestore

Marketing Coordinator


Range: US$39K - US$55K
1 salaries
See 12 salaries from all locations



US$38,885 - US$54,844 Range

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Visit Lubbock

Marketing Coordinator - Hourly


Range: US$19 - US$28
1 salaries
See 12 salaries from all locations



US$19 - US$28 Range



Marketing Coordinator - Hourly


Range: US$26 - US$39
1 salaries
See 12 salaries from all locations



US$26 - US$39 Range

Texas Tech University

Texas Tech University

Marketing Coordinator


Range: US$38K - US$54K
1 salaries
See 12 salaries from all locations



US$37,842 - US$53,624 Range

South Plains Food Bank

South Plains Food Bank

Marketing Coordinator


Range: US$36K - US$52K
1 salaries
See 12 salaries from all locations



US$36,461 - US$52,328 Range



Marketing Coordinator


Range: US$44K - US$61K
1 salaries
See 12 salaries from all locations



US$43,999 - US$60,963 Range

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Marketing Coordinator in Lubbock, TX Salaries

Job titleLocationSalary
Marketing Coordinator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedLubbock, TX/hr
Marketing Coordinator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedLubbock, TX/hr
Marketing Coordinator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedLubbock, TX/hr
Marketing Coordinator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedLubbock, TX/mo
Marketing Coordinator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedLubbock, TX/hr
Marketing Coordinator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedLubbock, TX/hr
Marketing Coordinator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedLubbock, TX/yr
Marketing Coordinator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedLubbock, TX/hr
Marketing Coordinator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedLubbock, TX/hr
Marketing Coordinator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedLubbock, TX/yr
Marketing Coordinator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedLubbock, TX/yr
Marketing Coordinator salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedLubbock, TX/yr
Viewing 1 - 1 of 1

Frequently asked questions about a Marketing Coordinator salaries

The average salary for a Marketing Coordinator is US$52,580 per year in Lubbock, TX. Salaries estimates are based on 31276 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Marketing Coordinator employees in Lubbock, TX.

The highest salary for a Marketing Coordinator in Lubbock, TX is US$64,093 per year.

The lowest salary for a Marketing Coordinator in Lubbock, TX is US$43,465 per year.

Most marketing coordinators work full time and receive salaries into the six-figure range. This high pay reflects the extensive work experience and background knowledge expected of candidates. Most applicants will have worked in advertising, promoting, marketing or sales before moving into a marketing coordinator role. While a bachelor's degree is required, marketing coordinators who hold a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree may receive higher pay. Additionally, marketing coordinators with a record of leading successful marketing campaigns will often receive higher pay reflecting demand for their expertise.

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Successful marketing coordinators have a bachelor's degree or higher, years of relevant experience, and professional certification. These factors all contribute to salary satisfaction, which marketing coordinators have rated on Glassdoor. About 69% of marketing coordinators consider their salaries satisfactory.

If you follow the typical path in the marketing coordinator career, your salary can be impacted by experience level, education, and in-demand marketing skills. Overall, however, professionals earn a salary ranging between $36,667.17 and $76,377.02, with $46,463.90 as the average salary for everyone in the role. A higher marketing coordinator salary is possible in senior-level positions.

Seeking a competitive edge in your work as a marketing coordinator? Complete your master's degree in marketing or business administration. This makes you a valuable asset to employers and results in a higher marketing coordinator salary during any stage of your career. You'll also open the door to higher-paying opportunities through certification, so consider becoming a Professional Certified Marketer through the American Marketing Association. You could also pursue Google Analytics certification or become an Online Marketing Certified Professional (OCMP). Many additional certifications are tailored for diverse industries and skill sets. Further your career by gaining on-the-job experience, and your marketing coordinator salary will improve as you progress.

The road to a higher salary as a marketing coordinator starts with a strong foundation. Do your research, exploring salaries in your area plus the salaries of those with similar levels of education and experience in marketing coordinator roles. Next, learn what the salary range and responsibilities are. After a job offer and during annual renegotiating, you can work toward higher pay by making solid suggestions on paper. If your employer won't budge, for instance, show your value by suggesting additional responsibilities, such as handling an additional marketing campaign or training new employees. Always include benefits too, such as stock options, vacation time, flexible work arrangements, or a better office.

About 68.93% of Marketing Coordinator professionals feel satisfied with their salary, according to anonymous Glassdoor ratings. An additional $6,116 in potential pay per year, among other factors, can qualify the annual pay of a Marketing Coordinator in Lubbock, TX as a good salary.

Marketing Coordinator professionals in Lubbock, TX have a wide total pay range, between $36,667 and $76,377 depending on experience, with an estimated total pay of $52,580 following the average career path of a Marketing Coordinator.



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