Financial Consultant Salaries in Fareham, England

Updated Apr 18, 2024
Base Pay Range
£36K - £74K/yr
Average Base Pay

5 salaries

No additional cash compensation has been reported for this role

How much does a Financial consultant make in Fareham, England? The average salary for a Financial consultant is £51,805 in Fareham, England. Salaries estimates are based on 5 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Financial consultant employees in Fareham, England.

How accurate is an average base pay range of £36K-£74K/yr?
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Salaries in Fareham, England



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Average Base Salary in (GBP)




Financial Consultant


Range: £43K - £64K
26 salaries
See 7,088 salaries from all locations



£43,000 - £64,000 Range

JDX Consulting

JDX Consulting

Financial Consultant


Range: £22K - £45K
20 salaries
See 7,088 salaries from all locations



£22,000 - £45,000 Range

Embrace Financial Services

Embrace Financial Services

Financial Consultant


Range: £20K - £42K
13 salaries
See 7,088 salaries from all locations



£20,000 - £41,563 Range

First Derivatives

First Derivatives

Financial Consultant


Range: £20K - £77K
11 salaries
See 7,088 salaries from all locations



£19,500 - £76,600 Range

Skipton Building Society

Skipton Building Society

Financial Consultant


Range: £25K - £31K
9 salaries
See 7,088 salaries from all locations



£25,000 - £31,222 Range

Lloyds Banking Group

Lloyds Banking Group

Financial Consultant


Range: £18K - £56K
6 salaries
See 7,088 salaries from all locations



£18,000 - £56,000 Range



Financial Consultant


Range: £32K - £35K
5 salaries
See 7,088 salaries from all locations



£32,000 - £35,000 Range

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Advanced Regulatory

Advanced Regulatory

Financial Consultant


Range: £40K - £40K
5 salaries
See 7,088 salaries from all locations



£40,000 - £40,000 Range

Tata Consultancy Services

Tata Consultancy Services

Financial Consultant


Range: £29K - £32K
4 salaries
See 7,088 salaries from all locations



£28,500 - £32,000 Range

Vantage Point

Vantage Point

Financial Consultant


Range: £23K - £33K
3 salaries
See 7,088 salaries from all locations



£23,000 - £32,500 Range

Management Solutions

Management Solutions

Financial Consultant


Range: £28K - £40K
3 salaries
See 7,088 salaries from all locations



£28,000 - £40,000 Range

FTI Consulting

FTI Consulting

Financial Consultant


Range: £28K - £61K
3 salaries
See 7,088 salaries from all locations



£27,500 - £61,406 Range

Halifax Banking

Halifax Banking

Financial Consultant


Range: £27K - £50K
3 salaries
See 7,088 salaries from all locations



£27,324 - £50,000 Range



Financial Consultant

£21K -£23K

2 salaries
See 7,088 salaries from all locations



£21,013 - £22,722 Range



Financial Consultant

£36K -£47K

2 salaries
See 7,088 salaries from all locations



£35,980 - £47,026 Range

St. James's Place

St. James's Place

Financial Consultant

£41K -£48K

2 salaries
See 7,088 salaries from all locations



£41,151 - £48,283 Range



Financial Consultant

£40K -£72K

2 salaries
See 7,088 salaries from all locations



£40,239 - £72,388 Range



Financial Consultant

£31K -£42K

2 salaries
See 7,088 salaries from all locations



£30,632 - £42,358 Range



Financial Consultant - Monthly

£9K -£9K

2 salaries
See 7,088 salaries from all locations



£8,720 - £9,385 Range

Lumin Wealth

Lumin Wealth

Financial Consultant

£43K -£56K

2 salaries
See 7,088 salaries from all locations



£42,902 - £56,371 Range

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Financial Consultant in Fareham, England Salaries

Job titleLocationSalary
Financial Consultant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedFareham, England/yr
Financial Consultant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedFareham, England/yr
Financial Consultant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedFareham, England/yr
Financial Consultant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedFareham, England/yr
Financial Consultant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedFareham, England/yr
Financial Consultant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedFareham, England/yr
Financial Consultant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedFareham, England/yr
Financial Consultant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedFareham, England/yr
Financial Consultant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedFareham, England/yr
Financial Consultant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedFareham, England/yr
Financial Consultant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedFareham, England/yr
Financial Consultant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedFareham, England/yr
Financial Consultant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedFareham, England/yr
Financial Consultant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedFareham, England/yr
Financial Consultant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedFareham, England/yr
Financial Consultant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedFareham, England/yr
Financial Consultant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedFareham, England/yr
Financial Consultant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedFareham, England/yr
Financial Consultant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedFareham, England/mo
Financial Consultant salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedFareham, England/yr
Viewing 1 - 10 of 498

Frequently asked questions about a Financial Consultant salaries

The average salary for a Financial Consultant is £51,805 per year in Fareham, England. Salaries estimates are based on 5 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Financial Consultant employees in Fareham, England.

The highest salary for a Financial Consultant in Fareham, England is £73,671 per year.

The lowest salary for a Financial Consultant in Fareham, England is £36,429 per year.

If you want to earn more money from your financial consultant career, start by making yourself more marketable to companies by gaining a competitive edge. For example, earning a postgraduate degree in a finance-related subject or an MBA , can help fast-track you into higher-paying roles. Depending on your employer, you may also be able to increase your salary as a financial consultant by becoming a Certified Financial Planner, Chartered Accountant, Chartered Financial Analyst, or Chartered Wealth Manager. These are renowned certifications that indicate advanced, specialised knowledge, and a commitment to the certifying organisation's ethical code, and are likely to move you into higher-paying positions.

If you've received an offer for a financial consultant job, you may be able to negotiate a higher salary by knowing your worth. Begin negotiations with a specific salary in mind, and present supporting information, such as your experience level, in-demand skills, and any industry certifications you have. It's also helpful to know what people with similar educational backgrounds and experience levels are making in your area, so you can set realistic expectations.

If you're already established in a position, you may be able to renegotiate your salary and benefits. By choosing the right moment and presenting your case confidently and graciously, you can optimise your chances for a pay rise.

About 60.00% of Financial Consultant professionals feel satisfied with their salary, according to anonymous Glassdoor ratings. An additional £0 in potential pay per year, among other factors, can qualify the annual pay of a Financial Consultant in Fareham, England as a good salary.

Financial Consultant professionals in Fareham, England have a wide total pay range, between £26,542 and £101,116 depending on experience, with an estimated total pay of £51,805 following the average career path of a Financial Consultant.



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