Teacher Salaries in Calverton, MD

Updated Feb 10, 2024
Base Pay Range
US$60K - US$102K/yr
Average Base Pay

191,461 salaries

Additional Cash Compensation
AverageUS$12,160RangeUS$9,120 - US$17,024
The average salary for Teacher is US$90,707 per year in the Calverton, MD. The average additional cash compensation for a Teacher in the Calverton, MD is US$12,160, with a range from US$9,120 - US$17,024. Salaries estimates are based on 191461 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Teacher employees in Calverton, MD.
How accurate is an average base pay range of US$60K-US$102K/yr?
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What is the salary trajectory for a Teacher?

in Calverton, MD

US$90,707 /yr
US$106,982 /yr
Teacher V
US$88,624 /yr
Education Manager
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Teacher?

Job titleSalary
TeacherUS$90,707 /yr
Teacher VUS$106,982 /yr
Education ManagerUS$88,624 /yr

What are some related job titles for a Teacher?



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English Teacher


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High School Teacher


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per year

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What is the salary trajectory for a Teacher?

in Calverton, MD

US$90,707 /yr
US$106,982 /yr
Teacher V
US$88,624 /yr
Education Manager
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Teacher?

Job titleSalary
TeacherUS$90,707 /yr
Teacher VUS$106,982 /yr
Education ManagerUS$88,624 /yr

Salaries in Calverton, MD



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The Calverton School

The Calverton School



Range: US$61K - US$95K
1 salaries
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US$60,563 - US$95,470 Range

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Teacher in Calverton, MD Salaries

Job titleLocationSalary
Teacher salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCalverton, MD/yr
Viewing 1 - 1 of 1

Frequently asked questions about a Teacher salaries

The average salary for a Teacher is US$90,707 per year in Calverton, MD. Salaries estimates are based on 191461 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Teacher employees in Calverton, MD.

The highest salary for a Teacher in Calverton, MD is US$119,287 per year.

The lowest salary for a Teacher in Calverton, MD is US$69,452 per year.

Teacher salaries typically rise with seniority and with geographic location, so teachers who have worked for an urban district for a long time can expect to receive the highest pay. Most teachers work nine-month schedules and are free to use their summers for personal growth or to earn additional income. Teachers can further increase their pay by progressing into administrative roles such as principal or district superintendent. Additionally, Spanish-English bilingual proficiency is highly desired by employers and may lead to higher pay.

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Anonymous Glassdoor ratings report that 62% of teachers are satisfied with their income. Sign-on bonuses and profit sharing can account for an average of $12,159.68 annually. Teacher salaries naturally increase regularly based on experience in the industry.

As an educator, you can earn more over time due to the experience, advanced degrees, and relevant certifications you gain. Teachers earn an average salary of $78,547.57, with a high of $151,898.60 and low of $54,641.45. If you plan to proceed down the teaching career path, you can earn more in a senior position, such as Teacher III.

To earn more in your teaching career, go back to school for a master's or doctoral degree. While education is naturally the main field of study, you can also specialize in a specific field, such as elementary or secondary education. If you teach in a specific subject, degrees in that field can increase your salary as a teacher. Depending on your work site, certification in certain teaching methods or strategies can also increase your total pay. Skills in leadership, coaching, and training can help you earn extra pay as you take on additional duties.

Much of a teacher's salary is based on experience. Try to have the school consider your past work experiences outside the field as years of teaching to start at a higher salary. Try pointing out previous training and evaluations you've done that use the same skills as teaching. Also, managerial experience naturally consists of similar skills. If you are already in an established position, try documenting certifications and training sessions you attend to negotiate a salary increase or bonus pay. While many positions in public education have a specific scale used to determine salary, you can try looking for teaching jobs that state they are open to pay negotiations.

About 62.45% of Teacher professionals feel satisfied with their salary, according to anonymous Glassdoor ratings. An additional $12,160 in potential pay per year, among other factors, can qualify the annual pay of a Teacher in Calverton, MD as a good salary.

Teacher professionals in Calverton, MD have a wide total pay range, between $54,641 and $151,899 depending on experience, with an estimated total pay of $90,707 following the average career path of a Teacher.




